These muffins are perfect for cold camping days or when your fruit is on the brink of turning funky. We use a silicon muffin tray and our Weber BBQ set at 180 degrees. To make the muffins, you will need 1 cup of milk (dairy or non-dairy), 2 cups of self-raising flour (we use wholemeal), 1/4 cup sugar (we use raw sugar), 2 tablespoons of oil, 2 mashed bananas (or whatever fruit you need to use - we also sprinkle in some blueberries with our bananas).
METHOD: Mix the milk, sugar and oil in a bowl. Add in the bananas (or fruit) then the flour and mix until you form a lumpy mixture. Place the mixture into the muffin tray and let it bake for 20-30mins until the muffins are browning and springing back when you touch the top of them. Once cooked, let the muffins cool down for 10mins before eating. Store in an air-tight container. A yummy warm treat for those cooler camp afternoons. You will need a camembert of your choice (we used Thomas Dux), sourdough of your choice (olive sourdough goes nicely with this recipe), olive oil, honey, thyme and walnuts.
Method: 1. Use the camembert as a guide to cut a circle into the top of the sourdough. Remove enough bread so that the camembert sits beautifully within the loaf. Cut slits into the camembert and then cut the remaining loaf into slices without cutting all of the way through. Drizzle some honey and oil over the cheese and then sprinkle some chopped walnuts and thyme over the loaf. Bake in the Weber on 200°C for around 30mins or until the cheese has melted. |